dinsdag 22 mei 2012

Poëtegem (6)

Luttele tijd voor de dood van mijn vader schreef ik voor hem dit gedicht, en mijn vriend Jan Desseyn zette er muziek op.

Father oh father, the land that you worked
Is the land that I live on, the land of my birth
I can picture you toiling and slaving away
For the sake of your children, whatever they say
The others come first is your sense of life
It’s a generous goal and a merciful drive

Father oh father, the road that you’ve gone
Is the road that I walked and that I travelled on
I went where my nose went, I followed no call
It’s a wonder that I found my way home at all
The rivers I crossed and the places I’ve seen
Remind me of you in your wildest dreams

Father oh father, the words that you speak
Are the words that I learned, the words I will keep
They are words from the past, like a load that you bore
They were not enough for me, I needed more
So I went round the world and guess what I found
A sturdy foundation on solid ground

Father oh father, the seeds that you’ve sown
Are the seeds of compassion and honesty
They rooted inside me and will remain here
I’m glad for the harvest as winter is near
Father dear father how would it feel?
If I finally forgive you for the wounds that will heal

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik hoop dat je het nog hebt kunnen zingen voor hem...

  2. Heel mooi, Johan!

    Ik ben ook poëzieliefhebber. En dan vooral van het (ogenschijnlijk) lichtere én verstaanbare werk. En als het enigszins kan liefst mét taalhumor. Herman De Coninck is daar het voorbeeld bij uitstek van.
